For example, converting XML to JSON is a good practice. Interceptors also apply the conditional logic to all network requests. These are just some examples of the design patterns available in Angular.
HTTP Header Interceptor
Using the Angular HTTP Header Interceptor can help you achieve many things in your application. The interceptors you specify will be applied in the correct order in the application. The order in which they are applied is a crucial aspect of the application's design, and the official documentation recommends creating a new array to hold all your interceptors. When using multiple interceptors, you must be sure to include them in the app's root.
A 'Http Header Interceptor' intercepts HTTP requests and sets the appropriate authorization headers. The interceptor also supports setting HTTP response headers, which is useful when your application is not able to process the request. There are many possibilities with this API, and the examples given are just the tip of the iceberg. The examples shown here are some of the most common use cases, but there are plenty more.
HTTP Response Formatting
If you're looking for a way to customize the way your website displays data from the network, Angular Http Interceptor offer a solution. While you can still use the Authorization Header and other properties to specify custom data, you'll find it easier to implement a single, global interceptor that works on all HTTP requests. Interceptors are a great way to make the process of testing and building reliable applications faster, easier, and more scalable. By using an interceptor, you can manipulate the headers and responses of requests, and interact with the response using the handle method.
You can use interceptors for a variety of purposes, from global error handling to authentication and asynchronous preprocessing. These service factories are registered with the $httpProvider and injected with dependencies. After registering the interceptor, the application can use it to handle various requests, from GET to POST. It also supports caching responses, so it is useful for applications that need to respond quickly.
Angular design patterns
Angular HTTP modules define interceptors. Interceptors are services injected into the HttpClientModule that act as middleware for HTTP requests. The requests come into the HttpClient, and then travel through a chain of interceptors, each altering the request as it passes through. When the user submits a request, an interceptor is called and then applies any necessary changes to the request.
You can use an interceptor to handle incoming or outgoing requests. The interceptor variable will print the result of the request, whether it's a success or failure. Unlike the minor example, the interceptors execute for every request. This way, you can separate the logic that governs the route guards from the actual processing. The interceptor is used to organize route guard logic and determine if a request is allowed.